Do you have a question about hair loss? Have you been wondering about something but can't seem to find the answer? Consider using the form below to submit your question to the Donovan Hair Academy !

Each week, we discuss answers to new submissions in our training programs.

Dr. Donovan works with trainees to address a variety of tough questions and confusing scenarios that patients send our way.  Dr. Donovan will review all questions submitted through the form below and reply to answers to questions that he feels could benefit others who have similar concerns.  We regret that we can not answer all questions that are submitted as we generally receive quite a large number of submission every week. However, Dr Donovan will consider answering questions that have broad educational value.

Dr. Donovan sincerely thanks everyone who participates in the program. We currently receive a very large number of submissions every single week and Dr Donovan wishes he could answer everyone but regrets it is not possible to answer all questions that come in. Dr. Donovan generally answers about 20 questions each week. Generally an individual whose question is selected for the program will receive a written answer to the question emailed to them within 5-10 days of submitting the question. If you do not receive an email response from us within 10 days, it is likely Dr. Donovan will not be able to get to your question and you can assume the question will not be answered. Due to the many hundreds of questions that come in each week, our office staff is not equipped to answer questions from participants as to why a question was not selected, etc. We thank you for understanding and for making it possible to continue this program in a smooth manner. Dr. Donovan is not able to answer many of the questions that the program receives and we sincerely apologize that we can’t get through more.

Questions that are submitted with greater amounts of detail (more information on the story surrounding the hair loss and more information about the patient's general health, medications, and submissions with clear non-blurry photos) are often selected over questions with lesser detail as these types of questions generally provide broad educational value to all learners.

If you have any difficulties submitting your question, just email us at